Permits and Inspections Able

Licensed Plumber

A licensed plumber is required to have completed 4-5 years of plumbing apprenticeship before they can test to be a licensed, journeyman plumber. Then they have to take the test and will only get the license once the test is passed.

When you have a craftsman working on your home or property, you owe it to yourself to confirm they are a licensed contractor.

The courts are littered with stories about home owners who tried to save a few bucks by hiring unlicensed help. Some of these stores turned out OK, but many ened up in court because the person doing the job either didn't have the skills, experience or dedication to their craft to do the job properly.

In the long run, it simply is the best idea to go with a Licencensed Plumber to get the job done right.


Why choose us

  • Licensed
  • Insured
  • Bonded

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With decades of experience, you'll get the job done right, the first time!