Sump Pump Install & Replace

Walking into a flooded basement is a homeowner’s worst nightmare. Not only does the flooding of your basement mean the destruction of the property stored in the basement, but also long term damage to the structure of your home that can be expensive to repair.

Your home may also become infected by mold and mildew resulting in a health hazard to the occupants. Keeping your basement dry should therefore be top on your list of priorities when it comes to the maintenance of your home.

What is a Sump Pump?

If you want to keep your basement dry, one of the best tools you can invest in is a sump pump. Sump pumps are devices that are designed to remove water from basements to the outside of the home. They are located in a pit or sump well that is dug below the surface of the basement.

Water entering the basement flows into the French drains which direct it to the well. The sump pump is equipped with valves. These are set to detect the level of the water. When the water reaches a certain level within the well, the sump pump turns on automatically and pumps out excess water.

The water is pumped through a discharge line out of the basement. The water is discharged into a drain, creek, dry well or other designated area and away from the basement.

Why Install a Sump Pump?

Installing a sump pump is essential. Below are some of the top reasons to invest in a sump pump.

Protect your basement from flooding

This is the primary reason homeowners install sump pumps. Sump pumps get rid of excess water seeping into the basement. They are a crucial line of defense against flooding especially for homes located in flood prone areas.

Protect your home from water damage

Flooding is not only a nuisance but can also result in structural damage of your home. It can be expensive to repair the damage caused by the water. It is much better to prevent the damage in the first place. Sump pumps are vital in safeguarding your home and property from water damage.

Avoid foundation problems

Water pressure and saturation of water around foundation walls can result in cracks and settlement issues. The installation of a sump pump can help in relieving water pressure by diverting water away from the foundation walls. You can therefore avoid damage to your foundation and the resulting expensive repairs.

Reduce basement humidity

The presence of moisture in your basement will result in high humidity levels. This in turn will result in mold and mildew infestations. You can avoid this by installing a sump pump to keep your basement dry.

Does Your Sump Pump Need Replacing?

Sump pumps are built to last for many years. However, they will eventually succumb to wear and tear. When this happens, it is important to have your sump pump replaced. It’s time to replace your sump pump if:

  1. It is running constantly
  2. It makes unusually loud noises when it runs
  3. It is clogging constantly
  4. It’s cycling is erratic
  5. It is old and has begun to present many problems

How Sump Pump Replacement Works

Replacing a sump isn’t a DIY job. It is best handled by a professional and experienced plumber. Your plumber will ensure that you get the right sized pump and that it is installed for the greatest efficiency. They will also ensure that your system meets building code requirements. The following is an overview of how the sump pump replacement process works.

  1. Your plumber will help you choose the right sump pump for your needs. They will go through the different sump pumps available in the market with you and you determine the best option for your basement.
  2. The old sump pump will be carefully disconnected from the system. Experienced plumbers also take the time to inspect the entire system for faults. Any worn parts are replaced prior to installing the new sump pump.
  3. The new sump pump will be connected to the system and lowered into the pit. Your plumber will adjust the float switch to ensure that the new sump pump turns on when the water is at the required level.
  4. Your plumber will run tests to ensure that the new sump pump is working efficiently. They will also provide you with guidance on what you should do to ensure that the sump pump continues to run at optimum.

Sump pumps are necessary for keeping your basement dry. Hiring a professional to install your sump pump will not only ensure that the sump pump is working efficiently but also help to keep your warranty intact. You can always refer to the professional if you ever experience problems with the sump pump in future.


Why choose us

  • Sump Pump Services.
  • Inspection, test and verify operation.
  • Replace sump pump if necessary.

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