Whether you're remodeling a bathroom or an entire house or building, remodeling can present several challenges.
Depending on the type of remodeling work being done permits may need to be sought.
You may also need to schedule inspections in order to ensure compliance with building codes.
Below, we discuss some key elements to consider in order to ensure the plumbing system is properly installed and functions correctly.
Check existing water supply lines
One of the great things about plumbing during remodeling is that the rough-in plumbing is already present. However, this can also present a challenge especially if the new design calls for rework of the existing plumbing.
Old or damaged pipes and valves should be replaced. This is also a good opportunity to upgrade old plumbing.
Exposed pipes ought to be insulated in order to protect them from freezing and bursting during cold weather.
Check existing drainage
Existing drainage should be inspected for corrosion or damage. Damaged drains and fittings should be replaced. It is best to minimize the need for rework of the drainage system in order to avoid high costs.
The new design should take the existing drainage into consideration in order to avoid the need for reworking the existing drainage system.
Installing new fixtures and appliances
The old fixtures and appliances should be removed. Old sinks, toilets, bathtubs and showers that are still in good condition can be sold, donated or given away. Many people constructing or remodeling homes on a tight budget appreciate ‘vintage’ pieces or pieces that they can recycle.
This is a great way to minimize the environmental impact of your remodel. It is also a great way to make some money that can be used in your project.
Remodeling a bathroom can be an especially complex task. It is especially essential to adhere to the requirements of local building codes.
Working with a professional will help ensure that you not only meet the standards required by local building codes but also help you realize your vision for your bathroom.
Good plumbing is essential for the function and aesthetics of a new bathroom as well as remodeled bathroom. Be sure to seek the services of an experienced professional plumber for the best results.
With decades of experience, you'll get the job done right, the first time!